created, written, & illustrated by RICH TOMMASO
Everyone knows that the state of Florida can be a pretty scary place -swamps, alligators, bugs the size of small cars, zombies ... zombies?!Escaping the stresses of city life, a young single mom visits her own mother inthe hurricane state, only to find more tension - and of a seriously freakishnature. Writer/artist Rich Tommaso has an inviting, clear-line style and a knackfor blending the creepiness of everyday existence with the surreal feel of a'50s creature feature. With a weed-whacker for a weapon and the world againsther, this punk-rock mommy will take down every zombie in the state of Florida,if need be. Is Florida really haunted by the undead? Or is it just the recentpresidential election that makes it seem so?!
144pg, 6x9, b&w