DRAW #31 (MR) (C: 0-1-1)

DRAW #31 (MR) (C: 0-1-1)


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Draw!, the professional "how-to" magazine on comics and animation, busts some new moves, Philadelphia Freedom style! It features how-to's and demos by Philly area artists JG Jones (52, Final Crisis, Wanted, Batman and Robin) and Khoi Pham (The Mighty Avengers, The Astonishing Spider-Man, The Mighty World of Marvel). Plus, regular contributor Jamar Nicholas gives his reviews of art supplies, and we finish this jam-packed issue with Jerry Ordway (demonstrating the "ORD-way" of drawing!) and Comic Art Bootcamp by Draw! editor Mike Manley (another local Philly resident) and Bret Blevins. Grab a side of cheese fries, and enjoy this artistic belly buster!