Written by: The Usual Gang Of Idiots
Art by: The Usual Gang Of Idiots
Cover Art by: The Usual Gang Of Idiots
Need to save your summer from ruin by a villainous virus? MAD's superhero-themed issue to the rescue! We lampoon your favorite caped characters in all-new features, including favorites like, "Snappy Answers to Superhero Questions," "Spy vs. Spy," and Sergio Aragones' "Shadow Knows." And we're reprinting beloved MAD classics like "Bat Boy and Rubin" from way back in 1953! It's an issue that's sure to leave you shouting, "Holy blecch, Batman!"
Release Date: 8/11/2020
FOC Date: 7/6/2020 11:59:59 PM
Retail : $5.99
UCS Item #: UCS20060512
UPC: 76194135676101511
Product Code: 76194135676101511
All information is subject to change, including but not limited to description, creator credits, price, FOC and Release dates.