Conan and Bêlit, Queen of the Black Coast, reunite with their pirate crew aboard the Tigress only to be drawn into the vermin-infested swamps of Stygia. In the dark depths of this haunted land, they battle for their lives amidst stately pleasure gardens transformed into treacherous dens of deceit. There, a twisted beast-king reigns supreme, his hordes of abominations descending mercilessly upon the Cimmerian and his lover. Together, the two shall face monstrous man-crabs and a sultry sea-witch, but when an ancient secret is unleashed it means only one thing for a member of their heroic party-death!
• Featuring ten more issues from the famed Roy Thomas/John Buscema run on Conan the Barbarian, stories showcasing Conan's adventures with Bêlit the She-Pirate, one of Robert E. Howard's most powerful and beloved female characters.
• Since acquiring the Conan license in 2004, Dark Horse has sold over 75,000 copies of their new Conan stories and over 100,000 of the reprints!
• Featuring ten more issues from the famed Roy Thomas/John Buscema run on Conan the Barbarian, stories showcasing Conan's adventures with Bêlit the She-Pirate, one of Robert E. Howard's most powerful and beloved female characters.
• Since acquiring the Conan license in 2004, Dark Horse has sold over 75,000 copies of their new Conan stories and over 100,000 of the reprints!