Legendary comic artist, Bill Sienkiewicz, best known for his work on Marvel's New Mutants, Moon Knight, and Elektra: Assassin, brings his signature mixed media style to the finale of Blackout Bombshell.
From Louis Southard, and artist Dean Kotz (The Butcher of Paris, Krampus, Warlord of Mars Attacks) comes this oversized limited series that's the bastard child of a Philip Marlowe and Hunter S. Thomson novel.
Everything has led up to this! The mystery is finally solved! Or is it?! Does Detective Jack Atlas have all of the answers? Does he care if he doesn't? Find out in this thrilling conclusion of "The Blackout Bombshell"!
From Louis Southard, and artist Dean Kotz (The Butcher of Paris, Krampus, Warlord of Mars Attacks) comes this oversized limited series that's the bastard child of a Philip Marlowe and Hunter S. Thomson novel.
Everything has led up to this! The mystery is finally solved! Or is it?! Does Detective Jack Atlas have all of the answers? Does he care if he doesn't? Find out in this thrilling conclusion of "The Blackout Bombshell"!